Smoke-Fired 燻燒
A modern twist of the ancient firing technique
Smoke-firing is a very old pottery firing technique, which leverages the smoke that comes with firing wood or other carbon-rich materials to create natural patterns, colors, and effects. This technique has many other sibling methods such as Raku, pit-firing, etc, which are all similar approaches.
To do smoke-firing, one would usually create a temporary outdoor kiln because you don’t want to fill your studio with all that smoke. While it’s fun, it has many uncontrollables that would affect the look of your work. My smoke-firing approach is different and is done indoor in an electric kiln. I would also apply low-fire glazes and gold luster to decorate my work and give it a very modern look.
My career in ceramics started with smoke-firing. Many of the design elements during this period got evolved and have grown to many other interesting ideas later on.