About Yu-Ying Huang
Born in 1970 in Chiayi, Taiwan, Yu-Ying Huang was raised in a farming family. Although soil, mud, and nature were no strangers to her when she grew up, she and clay did not officially meet until college, where she participated in a pottery making club. That’s when she met Professor Rhang-Nung Wu, the legendary Ceramist and pioneer in Taiwan’s ceramics history, who inspired her to go professional and pursue a career in ceramics.
In early 90’s, Yu-Ying debuted with her modern and distinct smoke-fired ceramics and instantly grabbed favorable attention. Over the years, her techniques have grown beyond just smoke-firing and into many inspiring glaze works, such as the dreamy Lavender Fields looking crystalline glaze, revolutionary revival of the long-lost “Leaf Tenmoku” techniques, and ultra-modern Ocean World inspired sculptural pieces. All of these inspiring works have earned her prestigious awards one after another and received international recognition. Some of her works were exhibited in top museums, such as the Louvre in Paris, or were acquired as a permanent collection.
In addition to an award-winning career in ceramics, Yu-Ying has an equally acclaimed career in teaching. In 2016, she was awarded the “Excellent Teacher Award”, the Nation’s Top Honor for a teacher, for her 23-yrs-and-counting contribution as an Art Teacher in Taipei Cheng-Gong High School.
Over the years, Yu-Ying Huang has established herself as one of the most acclaimed and best-known ceramists in Taiwan.
陶藝家黃玉英 1970 年出生於臺灣嘉義,從小在務農家庭長大的她,便與泥土和大自然結下不解之緣,然而一直到了大學時期,才真正開始接觸陶藝,在師大工藝系求學的日子裡,她師承臺灣陶藝傳奇先鋒吳讓農教授,打下紮實的基礎功,一步一步成為專業的陶藝家。
初入陶界的黃玉英,以獨樹一格的摩登燻燒作品迅速打響名號,1995 年便以燻燒作品「迴」獲得台北市立美術館永久典藏。從燻燒出發的她,不斷積極拓展陶藝領域,多年下來發展出許多廣受好評的系列作品,包括以法國普羅旺斯薰衣草田為靈感的結晶釉「薰衣草花田」釉色,極為摩登前衛的「海洋世界」系列,和復興且創新失傳數百年技法的「木葉天目」作品,讓她屢獲陶藝大獎肯定,且國內外展出邀約不斷,至今個展二十餘場,聯展逾百場,作品被典藏於美國當代陶藝博物館、日本常滑陶藝協會、中國大陸、愛爾蘭、愛沙尼亞、立陶宛等地,2014 年更以海洋世界作品「海闊任魚躍」受邀至法國巴黎羅浮宮博物館展出。
除了陶藝事業深受肯定,黃玉英亦投身教育界二十餘年,成績同樣斐然,在台北成功高中任教的她,2016 年獲頒「台北市特殊優良教師」獎,同年還得到國家教育最高榮譽「師鐸獎」之肯定。
Achievements & Milestones
Getting the “Excellent Teacher Award” from the President Tsai Ing-Wen (2016)
The Ocean World piece that was exhibited in the main Gallery of the President’s Office. (2018)
The “Ocean World” piece that was exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris in a group exhibition. (2014)
1992 國立台灣師範大學工藝系畢業
Bachelor’s degrees in Crafts & Design from the National Taiwan Normal University1995 國立台灣師範大學工業科技教育研究所畢業
Master’s degrees in Industrial Technology Education from the National Taiwan Normal University1996 美國加州橙縣聖塔安娜學院藝術學系 (Rancho Santiago College) 短期進修
Short-term study at the Dept of Arts in Rancho Santiago College in Orange county, California USA1998 國立台灣藝術學院工藝系兼任講師
Adjunct lecturer at National Taiwan University of Arts, Dept of Crafts & Design1999 日本常滑國際陶藝研討會
Attended the International Ceramics Conference in Tokoname, Japan2000 與知名作家吳淡如小姐成立「世外陶園」陶藝工作室
Established my first Ceramics Studio, co-owned with the celebrity writer Betty Wu2002 中國石灣國際陶藝研討會
Attended the International Ceramics Conference held in Stone Bay, China2003 國立編譯館高中生活科技教科書審查委員
Became a member of the review committee at the National Institute for Compilation and Translation
2004 愛沙尼亞國際陶藝柴燒工作營 (國家文藝基金會贊助)
Attended the International Wood Fire Symposium in Estonia2004 中國石灣國際陶藝工作營
Attended The International Ceramics Symposium in Stone Bay, China2005 中華民國陶藝協會常務理事
Became the permanent member of the Council at National Taiwan Ceramics Association2005 國立台北科技大學兼任講師 (至今)
Became the adjunct lecturer at National Taipei University of Technology2006 立陶宛國際陶藝研討會
Attended the International Ceramics Conference held in Lithuania2007 中華民國陶藝協會常務理事, 國際組組長
Became the Director of International Affairs at National Taiwan Ceramics Association2008 中華民國陶藝協會監事
Become the Executive Director at National Taiwan Ceramics Association2009 獲選成為新竹鐵道藝術村駐村藝術家
Invited to be the Artist in Residence at the Hsinchu Railroad Art Village2011 受邀前往中國上海復旦大學駐校創作
Invited to be the Artist in Residence at the prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai, China2012 受邀參加中國 江蘇海安523第一屆國際陶藝創作營
Participated in the first annual International Ceramics Workshop in Hai’An, China2013 受邀至鶯歌陶瓷博物館陶瓷學院授課演示
Taught smoke-firing techniques at Yingge Ceramics Museum’s academy programs2013 受邀參加中國江蘇海安523第二屆國際陶藝創作營
Participated in the 2nd annual International Ceramics Workshop in Hai’An, China2013 受邀至中國上海復旦大學演講
Invited to give a speech on Ceramics in the prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai, China2013 受邀至中國上海理工大學演講
Invited to give a speech on Ceramics in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology2013 作品獲北京”陶瓷畫刊”2013年第一期專文報導
Work is featured in the “China Ceramics Illustrated” magazine2013 作品獲上海”工藝美術”季刊第117期專文報導
Work is featured in the “Shanghai Art and Crafts” magazine (vol. 117)2014 作品”海闊憑魚躍”受邀於法國羅浮宮卡洛斯廳展出
Work is exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris in a group exhibition2014 創立全手工精品珠寶琉璃品牌 Vesta Collection
Established “Vesta Collection”, my label for handmade fused-glass jewelry2014 作品”連連有魚燻燒瓶”受邀於愛爾蘭都柏林切斯特·比蒂圖書馆展出
Work is acquired by and exhibited in Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Ireland2016 榮獲105學年度台北市特殊優良教師
Won the “Extraordinary Teacher Award”of 105th Semester in the Taipei Municipal School system2016 榮獲105學年度教育部師鐸獎
Won the “Excellent Teacher” Awards, the top honor for a teacher by the Minister of Education2017 入選成為國際陶藝協會(IAC)會員
Became the member of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC)2018 作品於總統府藝廊展出
Work is exhibited in the main Gallery of the President’s Office of the Republic of China.2019 作品受邀於立法院國會藝廊展出
Invited to have a solo exhibition at the prestigious Gallery at the Legislative Office in Taipei.